US Current Tyvek Escape Maps

her sharp object. 

        The US military currently issues escape maps printed on material made of high density polyethyle fibers.  This water resistant material is very strong and difficult to tear, but can easily be cut with scissors.   The material is sold by the DuPont Company under the trademark Tyvek.   If you are not familiar with Tyvek, next time you go to the Post Office look for their Express Mail envelops.  They are made from Tyvek,  although the material the military uses is thicker and stiffer.

        The Tyvek escape maps contain topographic maps at a scale of 1:200,000.  Printed in the margins is extensive survival information particular to the geographic region.  Useful information regarding navigation, personal hygiene, signaling, first aid and edible plants is included.  Other uses of the maps (as described on the maps) are:

1.  Catch rain water.

2.  Shade/wind/rain/shelter/cape/blanket.

3.  Use as a bag to haul and purify large quantities of water.

4.  Use as a bag to haul food.

5.  Line a hole or depression and use as a wash basin for you, your food, or your clothing.

6.  Wrap your clothing when swimming or fording streams.

7.  Wrap vegetation and use as a flotation device (avoid sharp sticks inside and rocks outside).

8.  Wrap your torso as an extra layer of clothing.

9.  Wrap your sleeping gear during foul weather.

10.  Splint a broken wrist.

11.  Plug a sucking chest wound.

        Below is an example of a current Tyvek escape map.  The maps are identified by evasion charts (EVC) numbers and are issued primarily in survival bags for aircrews, but are also used by special operations troops.  The Department of Defense's National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency prepares and prints the maps.





(Close-up of Survival Information on Maps)




EVC  NI-38E  Iraq and Iran  (58 1/2" x 41 1/2")


EVC  NI-38E  Iraq and Iran  (58 1/2" x 41 1/2")



Escape Maps
Blood Chits

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